Sunday, July 22, 2007

Give me a minute.

Give me a minute.
If you were to give everyone a minute of your time each time they asked do you know how many minutes you would have given away? The answer is have given away none.
Because if you give you will also get. Which evens it out right?

Life is truley like an echo ~ we give what we get.
You must learn that in order to achieve goals that are important to us we must act with compassion and silent strength. For when we achieve them we are filled with a sense of purpose. If you reach goals by adversity and strife then if you achieve them you have no sense of completion only the goal of attaining more .

Go today and give someone some of your time, laughter or encouragement.

Nicole Engblom

"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up."
Pablo Picasso